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Application of PVDF in tower packing

The Tower packing refers to the tower packing in the packed column, whose function is to provide sufficient contact surface for the gas-liquid two-phase, and to create conditions for improving its turbulence degree (mainly gas phase) , so as to facilitate mass transfer (including heat transfer) . Packed Tower is a kind of mass and heat transfer device widely used in petrochemical production. The correct choice of packing material and structure can greatly improve the distillation efficiency.


Commonly used PVDF packing structure

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Advantages over other fillers

1. Compared with ceramic fillers, PVDF has the same excellent corrosion resistance, but PVDF has better toughness and self-cleaning property, and can be easily filled and reused after cleaning, easy to dirty, high cost of waste treatment. 

2. Compared with metal packing, it has better corrosion resistance, mechanical strength, self-cleaning property, and can be reused after cleaning, thus avoiding the corrosion pollution and poor pollution resistance of metal packing, especially for the self-polymerizing materials, such as caking and blocking tower, etc. , at the same time there are metal fillers end-of-life treatment cost problems. 

3. Compared with plastic fillers, it has mechanical strength, high temperature resistance, oxidation resistance, low surface energy, low friction coefficient and self-cleaning, acid-base resistance, chemical corrosion resistance, etc. , at the same time, keep the advantages of plastic fillers, avoid plastic fillers weather resistance, poor oxidation resistance and other shortcomings, long-term use will not appear Brittleness and pulverization.

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